Insight Meditation Retreat

  • Stunning Retreat Location

    Take time for retreat

    Connect to nature

    Reset and rejuvenate the nervous system

  • Self-Inquiry

    Connect deep within yourself to discover your essential nature

    Learn the art of self-inquiry for inner peace, contentment, and love of life

    Learn the art of somatic inquiry to liberate suffering and embody loving presence

  • The Work

    Learn the art of insight meditation for clarity, wisdom, and happiness

    Liberate your Shadow (unconscious negative beliefs, patterns, and reactivity)

    Learn to embody love

You have been personally invited to attend a long-weekend men’s non-duality retreat at Bald-Rock Station - Tenterfield.

It will be an opportunity to go on retreat, find a deep anchor within, and connect to presence.

The structured three-day program includes insight meditation-focused masterclasses and group-work, evening fireside men’s meetings and guided mindfulness exercises, as well as an opportunity to join nature walks and swims, and rest in being.

The event is fully catered with healthy and delicious vegetarian options by mentors.

Participants will: 

  • Rest, rejuvenate, and feel inspired through the retreat program

  • Practice silent sitting, insight meditation, and somatic practices

  • Have an opportunity to experience deep and transformational meditative states

  • Have an opportunity to process and let go of trauma stuck in your body

  • Learn how to move beyond the ego self (in all it’s many forms) and return home.

  • Enjoy quality time with like-minded men and strengthen friendships.

    Program Structure

    Retreat Date (2024):     Friday October 25th (arrive 12pm) to Sunday October 27th (leave 2pm)

    There is an option to stay another day and night (for a small additional cost) for those who are camping.

    Program Cost (depending on accomodation type):

  • $550 for single share room in converted train carriage (2 space available)

  • $450 for twin share room (sharing with 1 other man) in converted train carriage (2 spaces available)

  • $350 for wilderness camping space (8 spaces available)

Location: 1293 Mount Lindsey Road, Tenterfield

149.2 hectares of wilderness - adjacent to Basket Swamp National Park

Facilitators: Gerry Bronn and mentors

Gerry is a clinical and coaching psychologist who has extensive experience in the personal development and transformational space. He runs a private practice in Byron Bay, where he supports men to heal, transform, and be their best self. Gerry also regularly faciliates men's circles, workshops, and men's retreats. He is devoted to his own personal development and spiritual awakening, and helping others to awaken.

To register - please send an email to or text message to 0484758622

Here are the bank details for payment (via bank transfer):

Name: Living Psychology Pty Ltd

BSB: 012 528

Account Number: 643 475 296

Transfer Reference: Meditation Retreat